The Activities of 312 MHS in Singapore
312 Meridian Health Society (312 MHS) is a society registered in Singapore since 15 February 2008.
312 MHS focused its practice center within Telok Blangah Precinct and aim to encourage as many people within or outside the neighbourhood to practise the 312 Meridian Exercise accurately and constantly. All are welcome regardless of age, race or religion.
Our first 312 Meridian Exercise was held at Block 45, Telok Blangah Drive on 17th May 2008. We had 15 participants then.
By 15th February 2009, we shifted to a larger compound at Block 51 Telok Blangah Heights to accomodate the increasing number of participants. Of course, this increment is due to the efforts of our participants, volunteers and trainers who ceaselessly supported the 312 Meridian Exercise with zeal. In fact, out of the first batch of 15 participants, 9 of them are still continuing with the exercise without fail. This attest to their faith with 312 Meridian Exercise. They are truly our very own 312 ambassadors indeed.

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312 Meridian Exercise is simple to learn and easy to practise and suitable for all ages.
It can be done anywhere, anytime at your own convenience.
All forms of physical health challenges can be overcomed with constand practise of 312 Meridian Exercise coupled with one's faith and perseverance.
312 MHS has encouraged the practise of 312 Meridian Exercise to more than 1000 people islandwide thus far.
Society's Mission
To promote and encourage the practise of 312 Meridian Exercise to enhance the body's immune system and achieve a healthy long life.
To practise the exercise technique accurately, diligently and daily to reap the rewards of a healthy long life.
曾几何时,当我们第一次来到直落布兰雅大牌45号时,当时,应该是在2008年5月17日, 学习‘3-1-2’经络锻炼的人数只有15位左右。